Ok, it’s been a while since we posted anything. We’ve been pretty busy and to top it all off, we both got sick last week. I pulled through it not too bad and Gary had to take antibiotics. The doctor said it was a bacterial infection. If you can, stay away from moldy hay. We had to pitch a whole bunch of it that was left sitting in the arena by the previous owner and we believe it’s what started it all. But don’t worry, we’re both out of the woods now and back into the swing of things.
Now, on with the news.
On April 16, we discovered a big hole in our backyard.
The hole is approximately 3′ x 2′ and roughly 3′ deep. It’s directly above where the main sewer line would be, so we thought “Ok, the pipe caved in so maybe we won’t need a new septic tank.”
Well, the guys came out yesterday afternoon and dug it up.
There was a septic tank down there and it had collapsed. It was the original tank so it’s well over 50 years old. Weird thing though is that it didn’t have a pipe sticking out of the ground to have it pumped. I’ve been told that’s the way they used to do it.
As you can see in the next picture, it not only collapsed, it was also overfilled. Nobody knows when it was pumped the last time, if ever. Turns out the tank was an old fuel tank which was common practice back then.
This is what’s left of the old septic tank.
So after a couple of hours of digging this morning, the new tank was lowered in place.
We can now do without the porta-potty and we can put the sump pump away. The worse of this ordeal was doing the dishes and periodically emptying the tubs outside. I did improve my water throwing skills though. I can now toss a full 2 gal. tub a good 3′ away!
We and the workers did get lucky. A couple of hours after the work was all done, it started raining. It’s been on the cold side pretty much all day and wouldn’t you know it, rain turned to snow!
I now have my own set of wheels! A nice 1998 Ford F-150, 5.4 litre V8, 4×4, dual exhaust with glass pack (this baby purrs so sweetly!), remote starter, electric windows and locks, electric seat adjustment. It handles the road nicely, even in the mud. I sure love it and it makes me very very happy.