And finally, one last entry that’s way overdue! Back in May, I started planning my very first garden. Things went well and on May 30, the seeds I had started indoors were doing great.
By June 3, everything was transplanted and the rest of the plants were seeded.
Here’s what the garden looks like now.
The tomatoes are starting to form.
So are the cantaloupes (or is it the spaghetti squash? I know I forgot to take a picture of one of them but can’t remember which one!!!)
The cucumbers are all flowers.
The zucchinis are growing fast!
We’ve been eating radishes for about a week now. They are hot just the way we like ’em!
The onions are growing well too. I’ll have to check with a friend of ours though ’cause I don’t know how to tell if they are ready or not!
The corn is about 2 feet high now. Can hardly wait to eat it! It’s sweet corn and it has a sweet sugary taste. Mmmmmmmmmmmm…
And finally, the chives. The ones I seeded never grew but a friend divided hers (it was getting too big) and gave me some for my garden. Thanks Cindy!
I realized yesterday that I had forgotten something in my garden: nasturtiums. For those who don’t know, nasturtiums are edible. They have a slightly peppery taste. You can be sure I’ll have some in my garden next year!