On June 24, we noticed a strange looking cloud. It had the general appearance of a cumulus but with a veil around it. If anyone has an idea of what it is, please leave a comment to let us know.
Fawn rescue
On June 7, we were out on the Missouri River with friends when we noticed a fawn frantically swimming in the river. The water was cold (about 68 F) and there is no way it would have survived. It finally made it to a sand bar where Jim managed to catch it and bring it on board.
We warmed and dried the little fawn as best we could before releasing him on the shore. That was quite an adventure!
Resident bunnies
Have we been busy or what? Between Cowboy Action Shooting, shooting for the pleasure of it, reloading, website maintenance, gardening, weeding, visiting with friends, taking care of the horses and pets and much more, time flies and we don’t realize it. Already the middle of July and I’m afraid we won’t have enough time before the winter to do all we want to do this summer!
In order to catch up but keep things kind of organized here, I’m going to post several entries in a row about different subjects. That way, if one day you want to view a particular subject, it will be easily tracable.
We have a cottontail couple living on our property under the old house. On May 26, while honing our skills at pistol shooting, we noticed three baby bunnies watching us. Of course, we stopped shooting and watched them. They didn’t move and appeared to be quite relaxed. What’s amazing is that while shooting, we were standing about 10 feet from them. Only had a cell phone with us so the pictures aren’t that good.
Now that they’re older, they roam further away from the house and they tend to be more aware of the dangers of wide open spaces. Nevertheless, we often see them along the edge of the tall grasses near the trees. They won’t run if we approach within 20 feet of them but you can see that they are more skittish.
Garden experiment
Who would have thought I’d get into gardening! It’s amazing what living in the country does to someone. Well, living in the country and having a loving and supportive husband
I decided to plant a garden this year. Here’s what I’ll try growing: sweet corn, carrots, chives, radishes, cantaloupes, cucumbers, zucchinis, spaghetti squashes, and tomatoes.
Two days ago, Gary ran the cultivator over the 15′ x 18′ patch that will become my garden. Of course, it started raining the next day. The weather should clear up some time next week so we can proceed with the rest of the preparations and the seeding.
In the meantime, a friend told me to start some of the seeds in the house (zucchinis, cucumbers, cantaloupes, and spaghetti squashes). Let’s hope everything goes well and that we’ll get nice fresh vegetables!
Game camera
Approximately two months ago, we bought a game camera. For those unfamiliar with them, they are cameras with motion detection. So each time something moves within the camera’s range, it takes a picture (or video). We have had some pictures and videos of foxes, rabbits, and, of course, our horses before we fenced them out of the trees (more on this later). However, we didn’t get many pictures over that period of time.
Two days ago, we decided to move the camera again and did we get lucky. A doe stopped by to eat breakfast right in front of the camera!
With the camera, we are discovering that there’s more activity in our little wood than we thought. It sure is neat to live in the country.