I fixed Myriam’s DPMS and she wanted to try it out for accuracy. Here’s what she did:
72 yards, cards edge on, 3 shots only, 10x scope.
I fixed Myriam’s DPMS and she wanted to try it out for accuracy. Here’s what she did:
72 yards, cards edge on, 3 shots only, 10x scope.
Well, there’s a reason you don’t shoot through your gates. I knew that but, it was such a clear shot! Darned if I could figure out why I missed. That is until I drove up to the gate today and saw an odd shadow on the gate. (you idiot…ya forgot to compensate for close range trajectory )
Amazing what a little .204 Ruger round will do to a steel gate. Durn near blew the bar apart! !!#@$##@!!
Rascal cut his foot just below the coronary band the other day. With the wet conditions we’re having, his wound wasn’t staying dry enough. So, Myriam and I got our med kit out and proceeded to treat his wound. Some cleaning, antibiotics, vet wrap and water proof duct tape.
I think she did a pretty good job. Better than I did the first time. Her’s stayed on all day where mine came loose within a couple of hours.
Myriam made her first kill. We were walking back from the mailbox. I had taken the .44-40 with us in case we spotted a coyote or the mountain lion that’s been seen around here.
Well, we didn’t come across such big game, but Myriam did spot a field mouse. So, what the heck, let’s see what she can do with the rifle. Barely missed with the first shot but got him with the second. Not much left of him as you can see.
First time she nailed anything other than cans and paper. She was pretty cool and collected. Usually, a person gets nervous with a live target. We’ll see how she does with something bigger as the opportunity arises.