Yesterday morning was full of activity. The day before, Gary discovered that the horse water fountain wasn’t working anymore. So yesterday morning, we take Sparky, our dog, out for his morning business and go to investigate the fountain. Turns out the tape heater stopped working and the water froze in the pipe. Ok, we’ll find a fix and water the horses by hand in the meantime.
So we set out to go back to the house and… where’s Sparky? We call and we call but still no dog. It was a little windy that morning and we guess he found some smell interesting in the wind and decided to investigate it while we were busy working and not paying attention to him. Ok, so we have to get in the truck and drive around to find him, probably at one of our neighbors.
But wait, the wind has been blowing for two days straight and there are two huge snow drifts in the driveway, about four feet deep each So we get the shovels and start digging.
After over an hour of shoveling, Gary decides to give it a try and drive over what snow is left by the gate. Well, that didn’t go too well, he high-centered the truck. More shoveling, try again. Still stuck. More shoveling, try again, no luck. More shoveling, try again, it worked! The truck is unstuck but not out the driveway.
In the meantime, one of our neighbors called to tell us that Sparky is at their place and that he’s ok. Good, at least we know where he is now. Gary calls our closest neighbor and asks if he could come and dig out the rest of the snow with his loader. There’s just too much for us to finish shoveling. After two hours of work, we’re both drained.
About an hour later we’re able to drive and pick up Sparky. Darn little turkey went about a mile and a half from our place. It’s the third time he’s done that. Guess we’ll have to tie him with a leash each time we’ll be busy working on something!