After surviving really cold temperatures (see our post titled “Cold Weather“), the cess pool in our septic tank system froze and now the tank is full. We discovered this while doing laundry when water backed up in the basement. Thankfully we were down there doing some work so we were able to move stuff quickly and we didn’t lose anything. Unfortunately, now it means that there’s absolutely no water that can be sent down the pipes until all the snow melts and the ground dries enough for the sanitary company to drive their truck in our backyard and pump the septic tank.
1. Plug the bathtub when taking a shower. When done, set up the sump pump and pump the water out the window.
2. Do dishes in a tub, rinse in a second tub. When tubs are too full, throw contents outside.
3. Rent a porta-potty for… well, you know what their purpose is
It sure makes life interesting!