Well, it’s done. Yesterday evening, I transferred the websites I was maintaining for the shooting club to a new webmaster. After five years, and the need for more time to start my business, it was time to let them go. It’s bitter-sweet though. Part of me wanted to keep working on them, but I also need to earn a living and the websites were volunteer work. I’m going to miss working with and for the club members. I also learned so much about websites. One thing is sure, WordPress is a good software package. It can do so much!
Anyway, time to look forward and get the business rolling. I started planning the workspace and I’ve been ordering more supplies. In a month or two at the most, I’ll be able to start making what I’ll be selling. I’m not saying what it’ll be yet, I want to be ready first. Hopefully, you can all patiently wait a couple months to discover what my product will be.