
First successful lightning pictures — 2 Comments

  1. Wow!! I have some 35mm slides of lightning but nothing that looks this good!! In the “olden” days I would stop way down to f/22 and hold open the shutter until I’d see a flash, then close the shutter. Is it the same with digital photography?? People like me wanna know stuff!

    • From the research I’ve done, it’s pretty much the same for both type of camera (film and digital). Most sites I’ve read recommend f8.0 as a starting point for night time and then adjust for the storm you’re trying to photograph. I set mine at f9.0. Focus has to be set to infinity and exposure to bulb. Having a remote shutter helps a lot. For the white balance, don’t leave it on auto. I haven’t tried it but from my readings I gather that it doesn’t give good results. This time I had the white balance set to fluorescent. Next time I want to try tungsten and see the difference. The ISO is set to 200 but depending on the effect you want, you can also play with that. I took pictures with a setting of 800 and got some interesting results like more details in the clouds. Hope this helps!

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