We finally received our brand new tractor! The old one, a Massey Ferguson model 31, is a sturdy machine but it kept needing repairs. After Gary spent two weeks getting the loader on it, he decided that the old tractor had served it’s time and that a new one was coming to our place. The old one was also hard for me to get to a stop. I’d have to stand up on the clutch and brake pedals. The new one, a Massey Ferguson model 1660, is a sweet machine. Runs smoothly and is easy to control. I’m not afraid of driving it. We also got a snow blower for it so we won’t get snowed in like last year!
Here I am test driving it around.
In other news, how about some snow in early October?
Towards the end of September, temperatures dropped below normal and have been there since. Then two days ago, on the 10, we got snow (see picture above). But somebody, somewhere, decided that it wasn’t enough I guess. So yesterday we got some more…
And then some more…
Nobody was really prepared for this, us included. Our tent is still out there.
It snowed on and off yesterday and during the night. Forecast? More snow tonight. Where did fall go?…